SaaS-Artificial Intelligence (AI) based system


Solarisᴬᴵ Pty Ltd is a SaaS advanced data analytics & AI platform for solar farms and large-scale photovoltaic (PV) installations developed at UQ.

The back-end O&M functions use advanced algorithms to analyse customer data to maximize energy output by reducing faults, underperformance, soiling and predicting future maintenance. This SaaS-Artificial Intelligence (AI) based system minimizes O&M costs to site owners, plus helps maximize energy output to the power grid.

solar PV cells in solar farms

UQ’s Associate Professor Rahul Sharma, School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EECS), has led the technology development and spin-out of the Solarisᴬᴵ SaaS platform. The back-end O&M functions are based on the physics associated with solar PV cells, their current-voltage characteristics and experimental observations. The technology is designed around the relationship of string current levels w/fault types, fault location, number of panels per string and the panel types. It creates base and progression performance distribution mappings to foresee where maintenance work needs to be prioritized to minimize system unavailability times. The back-end O&M functions use advanced algorithms to help reduce the number of losses in grid-connected PV systems. The system can be used at sites without additional hardware by monitoring groups of PV panels at the array level. The system monitors fault detection, equipment underperformance, PV soiling levels and performs predictive maintenance using AI.

solar panels in solar farm


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Meet the Team

  • Dr Rahul Sharma

    Senior UQ Consultant

  • Dr Yoni Nazarathy

    Senior Specialist AI & Data Analytics w/Accumulation Point

  • Derek Stephens

    Chief Operating Officer

  • Gayan Lankeshwara

    Senior Research Specialist

  • Ajay Hemanth

    Manager AI & Data Analytics

  • Sylvie Tso

    Legal Advisor w/Spruson & Ferguson

  • Viviana Angel Torres

    Customer Data Coordinator

  • Alvee Ahnaf Mir

    Software Engineer

  • Shijie Xu

    Research Specialist